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Famous Quotes Of Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab In Urdu/English With Images And Text SMS

Famous Quotes Of  Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab In Urdu/English With Images And Text SMS

 Hazrat Umar bin Khattab A Legacy of Leadership and Justice 


Hazrat Umar bin Khattab, the alternate caliph of Islam, remains an iconic figure whose leadership and principles continue to inspire millions worldwiden. Born in Mecca around 584 CE, Umar's  trip from  loyal opponent to  devoted supporter of Islam is a testament to his  unvarying commitment to  verity and justice. This SEO-friendly composition delves into the life, achievements, and enduring  heritage of Hazrat Umar bin Khattab, pressing his  vital  part in shaping Islamic history.  

 Early Life and Conversion:

·      Umar's Birth and Parenting: Born into the  recognized Banu Adi clan of the Quraysh  lineage, Umar grew up in Mecca amidst a society deeply  embedded  in  ethnical traditions and atheism.       

·      Pre-Islamic Life: Umar was known for his intelligence, strength, and strict adherence to  ethnical customs. His character as a  redoubtable leader earned him the title" Al- Farooq," meaning the bone who distinguishes between right and wrong.

·      Conversion to Islam: Umar's transformative  trip to Islam began with the conversion of his family and family- in- law. Fueled by curiosity and concern, he sought out the Prophet Muhammad( peace be upon him) to interrogate about the new faith.

·      The Moment of Truth: Guided by  godly intervention, Umar's  hassle with the  training of Islam led to his sincere acceptance of the faith in 616 CE, marking a profound turning point in his life.  

 Leadership as the Second Caliph

·       Ascent to Caliphate: Following the death of Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar was  tagged as the alternate caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate in 634 CE. His leadership  steered in a transformative  period of expansion and substance for the Muslim community. -

·       Principles of Governance: Umar's caliphate was characterized by a  loyal commitment to justice,  equivalency, and responsibility. He established a governance system grounded on the principles of  discussion( Shura) and adherence to Islamic law( Sharia).

·       Availability and Humility: Despite holding the loftiest office in the Islamic state, Umar remained accessible to the people,  frequently walking the  thoroughfares of Medina to  tête-à-tête address their  enterprises and grievances.

·       Military vanquishing: Under Umar's leadership, the Islamic state witnessed  unknown military  vanquishing, including the emancipation of Jerusalem, Persia, and Egypt. His strategic  wit and decisive leadership paved the way for the expansion and  connection of the Islamic conglomerate. 

 Executive Reforms and Governance 

·       Establishment of Institutions: Hazrat Umar  introduced  colorful  executive reforms to streamline governance and  insure  translucency. He appointed  good  individualities to  crucial positions, including judges( qadis) and  fiscal  directors. -

·       Bait al- Mal: Umar established the Bait al- Mal( storeroom) to  polarize  fiscal  coffers and support social  weal programs. The storeroom eased the  indifferent distribution of wealth and  coffers to  help the  indigent, widows, and orphans. -

·       Judicial System: Umar's emphasis on justice led to the establishment of a robust judicial system grounded on Islamic principles. He appointed judges to  arbitrate  controversies and uphold the rule of law, anyhow of social status or background.

·       Profitable programs:  Umar  enforced  realistic  profitable  programs aimed at promoting substance and  mollifying social  injuries. He regulated prices, covered  request conditioning, and encouraged trade and commerce to stimulate  profitable growth.

Legacy and Enduring Impact

·       Moral Exemplar: Hazrat Umar's life exemplifies the  merits of integrity,  modesty, and compassion. His leadership style, characterized by availability and responsibility, continues to inspire leaders worldwide.

·       Benefactions to Islamic Law: Umar's  benefactions to Islamic justice and governance laid the  root for the development of Sharia law. His legal opinions( fatwas) and  opinions set precedents that endure to this day. 

·       Global Influence: The  heritage of Hazrat Umar bin Khattab transcends borders and  societies,  reverberating with Muslims andnon-Muslims  likewise. His  continuing impact on governance, justice, and morality serves as a  lamp of guidance for generations to come.

·       Contemporary Applicability:  In an  period marked by social and political bouleversement, the principles espoused by Hazrat Umar offer inestimable  perceptivity into effective leadership, ethical governance, and social justice.


 Hazrat Umar bin Khattab's remarkable life and  heritage stand as a testament to the transformative power of faith, leadership, and justice. From his humble onsets in Mecca to his  vital  part as the alternate caliph of Islam, Umar's  trip inspires  individualities to uphold principles of integrity, compassion, and responsibility in all aspects of life. As we reflect on his enduring  heritage, and islamic quotes may we strive to emulate his  illustration and uphold the  dateless values he  supported for the betterment of humanity. 

Islamic quotes

  Jo Riyasat Mujrimon Per Reham Khati Hai Wahan Ky Be Gunah Log Bari Berhmi Sy Marte Hain
جو ریاست مجرموں پر رحم کرتی ہے وہاں کے بے گناہ لوگ بڑی بے

رحمی سے مرتے ہے


In places where mercy extends to  culprits, innocent people  frequently suffer unjustly.This  terse statement highlights the unfortunate reality where charity toward evildoers leads to the severe mistreatment of the innocent. The expression" Jo Riyasat Mujrimon Per Reham Khati Hai" underscores the conception of charity toward  culprits, suggesting a systemic issue within the governing body. The oneness lies in the  ultimate part," Wahan Ky Be Gunah Log Bari Berhmi Sy Marte Hain," which emphasizes the dire consequences faced by innocent  individualities due to this charity. It underscores the injustice and  atrocity foisted upon those who haven't committed any wrongdoing.In  substance, the  quotation underscores the  significance of balanced justice and protection for all  individualities within society,  pressing the need for fair and  indifferent treatment under the law. It prompts reflection on the consequences of charity toward  culprits and the responsibility to  insure the safety and rights of the innocent are upheld. 

Islamic quotes

  Gusse Ke Waqt Insan Ky Ikhlaq Ka Sahi Pata Chlta Hai

  غصے کے وقت انسان کے اخلاق کاصحیح پتہ چلتا ہے 


True character is revealed in moments of anger.This succinct statement encapsulates the idea that one's genuine nature becomes apparent during times of anger. The phrase "Gusse Ke Waqt Insan Ky Ikhlaq Ka Sahi Pata Chlta Hai" underscores the significance of observing how individuals conduct themselves when confronted with anger or frustration.The uniqueness lies in the emphasis on "Ikhlaq," denoting moral character or ethics. It suggests that the way a person handles anger provides a genuine insight into their underlying values and ethical foundations.In essence, the quote serves as a reminder that challenging moments can unveil a person's true nature, emphasizing the importance of maintaining composure and displaying positive character traits even in the face of anger.

Islamic quotes

   Jo Mazaq Zyada Krta Hai Log Ise Halka Aur Be Hesiyat Samjhte Hain

جو مذاق زیادہ کرتا ہےلوگ  اسے ہلکا اور بےحسیت سمجھتے ہیں۔ 


Those who indulge excessively in jest are often perceived as frivolous and lacking in seriousness.This concise statement sheds light on the perception of individuals who habitually engage in excessive humor. The phrase "Jo Mazaq Zyada Krta Hai" highlights the tendency of certain individuals to prioritize jest and levity in their interactions.The uniqueness lies in the characterization of such individuals as "Halka Aur Be Hesiyat," implying that they may be perceived as lacking depth and sincerity. It suggests that excessive indulgence in humor may lead others to perceive them as unserious or lacking in gravitas.In essence, the quote serves as a reflection on the perception of individuals who prioritize humor above all else, highlighting the potential consequences of being perceived as lighthearted and lacking in seriousness.

Islamic quotes

 Sakhi Khuda Ka Dost Hai Chahe Fasiq Ho Bakhil Khuda Ka Dushman Hai Chahe Zahid Ho

 سخی خدا کا دوست ہے چاہے فاسق ہو

 بخیل خدا کا دشمن ہے چاہے زاہد ہو


A true friend of God, even if deemed sinful, while a foe of God, despite being devout.This succinct statement encapsulates the essence of spiritual companionship and divine loyalty. The phrase "Sakhi Khuda Ka Dost Hai" emphasizes the profound bond between individuals and the divine, irrespective of their perceived righteousness or transgressions.The uniqueness lies in the juxtaposition of "Fasiq" (sinful) and "Zahid" (devout) individuals as both capable of either friendship or enmity with God. It suggests that genuine spiritual alignment transcends outward appearances and labels.In essence, the quote serves as a reminder of the complexity of spiritual relationships and the primacy of sincere devotion over external markers of piety. It underscores the inclusive nature of divine friendship and the transformative power of genuine connection with the divine, regardless of societal judgments.

Islamic quotes

  Jis Ki Lagzishein Zyada Ho Jati Hain Iski Haya Kam Ho Jati Hai

جس کی لغزشیں زیادہ ہو جاتی ہیں  

 اسکی حیا کم ہو جاتی ہے 


When one's expressions become excessive, their modesty diminishes.This succinct statement highlights the inverse relationship between excessive expressions and modesty. The phrase "Jis Ki Lagzishein Zyada Ho Jati Hain" underscores the idea that when an individual expresses themselves excessively or extravagantly, there is a tendency for their sense of modesty to decline.The uniqueness lies in the linkage between "Lagzishein" (expressions) and "Haya" (modesty), suggesting that an imbalance in the former may impact the latter. It implies that overly expressive behavior may compromise one's modesty.In essence, the quote serves as a subtle observation on the importance of maintaining a balance in expressions, emphasizing that excessive flamboyance or outspokenness can potentially erode the virtue of modesty in an individual.

Islamic quotes

  Tum Jis Sy Nafrat Krty Ho Iss Sy Hoshiar Raho

تم جس سے نفرت کرتے ہواُس سے ہوشیار رہو


Be cautious of those whom you despise.This succinct statement conveys a subtle warning about the importance of being vigilant around individuals whom one holds animosity towards. The phrase "Tum Jis Sy Nafrat Krty Ho" highlights the feeling of hatred or animosity directed towards someone.The uniqueness lies in the implication that negative feelings towards someone may signal potential risks or dangers associated with that individual. It suggests that animosity can serve as a cue to exercise caution and prudence in interactions.In essence, the quote serves as a reminder to remain alert and discerning in relationships, especially when negative emotions are involved, as they may indicate underlying complexities or potential threats.
Islamic Quotes in English

   Jis Ki Perhaizgari Kam Ho Jati Hai Iska Dil Murda Ho Jata Hai

جس کی پر ہیز گاری کم ہو جاتی

ہے اسکا دل مردہ ہو جاتا ہے 


When restraint diminishes, the heart becomes lifeless.This succinct statement encapsulates the idea that a reduction in self-discipline or restraint leads to a diminishing vitality within an individual. The phrase "Jis Ki Perhaizgari Kam Ho Jati Hai" underscores the importance of maintaining self-control and moderation.The uniqueness lies in the connection between "Perhaizgari" (restraint) and "Dil Murda" (lifeless heart), suggesting that a lack of restraint can contribute to a lifeless or uninspired state of being.In essence, the quote serves as a poignant observation on the role of self-discipline in preserving the vibrancy and liveliness of one's heart and spirit. It emphasizes the value of moderation and balance in fostering a thriving and engaged inner self.


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