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10 Famous Sad Quotes That Help You To Get Through The Worst Days | Sad Quotes in Urdu And English With Images And Text SMS

  1. 10 Famous Sad Quotes That Help You To Get Through The Worst Days | Sad Quotes in Urdu And English With Images And Text SMS

  1. "Glimmers of Hope in Sadness: Exploring Sad Quotes"


 Sadness, like a shadow, follows us through life's maze, casting its  dusk upon our hearts and minds. It's an emotion that resonates deeply within us, touching the rawest corners of our souls and reminding us of our participated humanity. In the realm of literature and poetry, sad  quotations serve as poignant  monuments of life's  essential struggles,  landing the  substance of  anguish in words that echo through the  periods. In this  disquisition, we claw into the world of sad  quotations, uncovering the profound  trueness they hold and the solace they offer in times of darkness.   

 1. " The heart was made to be broken."- Oscar Wilde   

Oscar Wilde's  quotation encapsulates the vulnerability of the  mortal heart,  pressing its capacity for both love and pain. It speaks to the  ineluctability of  heartbreak in the  mortal experience, admitting that the  veritably  substance of love makes us susceptible to hurt and disappointment.   

 2. " Gashes are words that need to be written."- Paulo Coelho   

Paulo Coelho's  perceptive  quotation reminds us of the cathartic power of gashes. It suggests that gashes aren't a sign of weakness but rather a form of expression, allowing us to release pent- up  feelings and find  mending in the process. Through gashes, we give voice to the deepest recesses of our souls, chancing  solace in the act of  participating our pain.   

 3. " The saddest thing about  treason is that it  noway  comes from your adversaries."-Unknown   

This anonymous  quotation speaks to the profound sense of  treason that accompanies deception and  deceitfulness, particularly when it comes from those we trust the most. It reflects the painful  consummation that  occasionally the  topmost hurt can come from the people closest to us, shattering our  visions of security and trust.   

 4. " Sadness flies down on the  bodies of time."- Jean de La Fontaine   

Jean de La Fontaine's  quotation offers a  hint of stopgap in the face of  anguish, reminding us that time has the power to heal indeed the deepest injuries. It speaks to the  flash nature of sadness, suggesting that with time, pain fades and injuries begin to mend, allowing us to  crop  stronger and wiser from our  gests .   

 5. " The crack is the place where the Light enters you."- Rumi   

Rumi's profound  quotation offers a perspective shift on the nature of suffering, suggesting that our deepest injuries have the  eventuality to come sources of wisdom and  metamorphosis. It speaks to the idea that through adversity, we can find adaptability and inner strength, eventually leading us toward enlightenment and growth.   

 6. " It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew."- Henry Rollins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Henry Rollins'  quotation captures the bittersweet reality of drifting  piecemeal from those we  formerly held dear. It reflects the poignant sadness that accompanies the loss of connection and the  ineluctable changes that  do in  connections over time.   

 7. " The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no gashes."- John Vance Cheney   

John Vance Cheney's  quotation offers a  lyrical reflection on the interplay between sadness and beauty in life. It suggests that without  passing  anguish, we'd not completely appreciate the beauty and  sprightliness of life's  gests . Like rainbows arising after a storm, moments of joy and clarity  frequently follow ages of sadness and struggle.   


In conclusion, sad  quotes about life serve as poignant  monuments of the  complications of the  mortal experience,  landing the raw  feelings and universal  trueness that unite us all. Through their eloquent prose and profound  perceptivity, they offer solace and understanding to those navigating the depths of  anguish and remind us that indeed in our darkest moments, we're  noway  truly alone

sad quotes about life

   Aur Unki Nazrein Na Jaan Payi Achaiyan Hamari Mohsin Hum Jo Sach Mein Kharab Hoty Tou Socho Kitny Fasad Hoty

اور ان کی نظریں نہ جان پائی اچھائیاں ہماری محسن

ہم جو سچ میں خراب ہوتے تو سوچو کتنے فساد ہوتے ۔


Their glances remain oblivious, unaware of our virtues. If we, who are genuinely flawed, were truly corrupt, imagine the chaos that would ensue.This statement reflects a contemplation on the disparity between perception and reality, suggesting that despite our virtues, others may not recognize or acknowledge them. The phrase "Aur Unki Nazrein Na Jaan Payi Achaiyan Hamari" underscores the idea that our goodness may go unnoticed or unappreciated by those around us. The statement then takes a reflective turn, acknowledging our inherent flaws with the phrase "Hum Jo Sach Mein Kharab Hoty," and posits a hypothetical scenario of the potential chaos if the perception of our flaws were an accurate reflection of our character with "Socho Kitny Fasad Hoty."The uniqueness lies in the juxtaposition of unacknowledged goodness and the recognition of personal flaws, prompting the contemplation of the potential consequences if the perceived flaws were genuine.In essence, the quote encourages introspection and challenges external judgments, inviting the consideration of the complexities within individuals beyond surface perceptions.

sad quotes about life

   Mein Janta Hu Kahan Tak Uraan Hai Unki Ye Mere Hath Se Nikle Hui Parinday Hain 

میں جانتا ہوں کہاں تک اڑان ہے ان کی

!!یہ میرے ہاتھ سے نکلے ہوئے پرندے ہیں۔۔۔


In the quiet corridors of  tone-  mindfulness, I'm acquainted with the limits of their flight, these  catcalls that took flight from my  veritably hands. Each avian emissary, a testament to my  bournes  and the lengths to which I dare to  conjure . These aren't bare  catcalls; they're the  images of my  intentions, launched into the vast breadth of the unknown. As they soar through the open skies, their flight isn't only a testament to their freedom but also a reflection of my  amenability to let go and  substantiation where their  bodies may carry them.   In the delicate balance between control and release, I fete  the significance of trusting the  trip. These  catcalls, born from the  win of my hand, emblematize the courage to relinquish the  vision of absolute authority. They are, in  substance, the  incarnation of the very dreams I dared to set free.   As they dance with the winds, I'm reminded that their flight extends beyond the physical realm. It glasses the bottomless possibilities that unfold when we permit ourselves to venture into the uncharted  homes of our  bournes . The flutter of their  bodies is a gentle  memorial that true growth  frequently lies in surrendering to the currents of  query.   In the intricate shade of life, these hand- released  catcalls are  vestments, weaving a narrative of adaptability, stopgap, and the audacity to dream beyond perceived limitations. They signify the audacious belief that indeed when tethered by reality, our  bournes  can take flight and  transgress the boundaries of the anticipated.   So, as these feathered extensions of my  bournes   cut  the azure oil  over, I find solace in the  consummation that the  capstone of their  trip is uncertain yet promising. It's a  trip that speaks to the beauty of relinquishing control, allowing  fortune to intertwine with the  vagrancies of the wind.   In conclusion, my hand- released  catcalls aren't just  brutes of the air; they're  ministers of my  implied  solicitations, emissaries  transferred forth to explore the midairs of what could be. Their flight is a perpetual  memorial that, in letting go, we find the courage to embrace the  hugeness of our dreams and the  horizonless possibilities that await beyond our fingertips. 

sad quotes about life

  Ik Chota Sa Khwab Tha Mera Jo Pura Na Hua Aik Shaks Tha Jo Mera Ho Kr Bhee Mera Na Hua

اک چھوٹا سا خواب تھا میرا جو پورا نہ ہوا

ایک شخص تھا جو میرا ہو کر بھی میرا نہ ہوا


A tiny dream of mine that remained unfulfilled, and a person who, despite being mine, never truly belonged to me.This poignant statement encapsulates the essence of unmet aspirations and the bittersweet reality of a person who, despite a claim of possession, eluded the true essence of belonging. The phrase "Ik Chota Sa Khwab Tha Mera Jo Pura Na Hua" conveys the yearning and disappointment associated with a dream left unrealized. Simultaneously, "Aik Shaks Tha Jo Mera Ho Kr Bhee Mera Na Hua" captures the paradox of a person who, despite being declared 'mine,' never found authentic resonance within the realm of ownership.The uniqueness lies in the juxtaposition of unfulfilled dreams and the complexities of human connection, weaving a narrative of longing and the elusive nature of true belonging.In essence, the quote reflects the delicate dance between desire and reality, where dreams may falter, and individuals may defy possession, emphasizing the nuanced emotions woven into the fabric of unattained aspirations and unclaimed connections.

sad quotes about life

    Ghor Kia Jb Zindagi Ky Falsafon Pr Baat Mitti Sy Shuru Ho Kar Mitti Mein Ja Mili

غور کیا جب زندگی کے فلسفوں پر

بات مٹی سے شروع ہو کر مٹی میں جاملی


When discussing about the philosophies of life commence with dust, they ultimately merge back into the very soil from whence they originated.This contemplative statement invites reflection on the cyclical nature of life's philosophies. The phrase "Ghor Kia Jb Zindagi Ky Falsafon Pr Baat" suggests a moment of contemplation on the intricacies of life's ideologies. The subsequent imagery, "Mitti Sy Shuru Ho Kar Mitti Mein Ja Mili," paints a profound picture of life's journey, starting with dust and ultimately returning to the earth.The uniqueness lies in the poetic connection between life's profound contemplations and the elemental simplicity of soil, creating a visual metaphor for the circle of life and the ephemeral nature of human philosophies.In essence, the quote prompts us to consider the transient nature of our ponderings about life, highlighting the inevitability of returning to the fundamental elements from which our existence arises.

sad quotes about life

   Zindagi Ki Jang Khud hi Larni Parhti Hai Log Tou Mubarak Baad Dene Ya Fateh Khuani Ky Liye Atay hain

زندگی کی جنگ خود ہی لڑنی پڑتی ہے

لوگ تو صرف مبارک باد دینے

یا فاتحہ خوانی کیلئے آتے ہیں


Life's battles are fought by the self, as people arrive to offer congratulations or claim victory.
This thought reflects the solitary nature of life's struggles. The phrase "Zindagi Ki Jang Khud hi Larni Parhti Hai" emphasizes individual responsibility in facing life's challenges. Meanwhile, "Log Tou Mubarak Baad Dene Ya Fateh Khuani Ky Liye Atay hain" suggests the external role of others who may offer support or seek to share in one's triumphs.
The uniqueness lies in the recognition of the internal journey amidst external interactions. It underscores the reality that while individuals navigate their personal battles alone, others may witness and respond to their victories or setbacks.In essence, the quote encapsulates the individualistic essence of life's struggles, highlighting the contrast between personal endurance and external recognition or participation.

sad quotes about life

   Kabhi Kabhi Darust Hone Ky Bawajood Bhee Ap Dosron Ky Liye Mushkilat Khari Kar Sakte Hain

کبھی کبھی درست ہونے کے باوجود بھی آپ

دوسروں کیلئے مشکلات کھڑی کر سکتے ہیں

Sometimes, despite being correct, one can still endure difficulties for the sake of others.
This statement encapsulates the selflessness inherent in human nature. "Kabhi Kabhi Darust Hone Ky Bawajood" acknowledges the correctness or righteousness of an individual's stance. However, "Ap Dosron Ky Liye Mushkilat Khari Kar Sakte Hain" emphasizes the willingness to endure challenges for the betterment or support of others.The uniqueness lies in the acknowledgment of altruism despite personal correctness, highlighting the capacity for sacrifice and empathy in human relationships.In essence, the quote underscores the complexity of human morality, recognizing the ability to prioritize the well-being of others above personal convenience or correctness.

Sad quote about life

     Yahi Sy Hui Thee Ibtida Muhabbat Ki Yahi Sy Khuch Log Apne Hui Thy

یہی سے ہوئی تھی ابتدا محبت کی

یہی سے کچھ لوگ اپنے ہوئے تھے


From here began the inception of love, and from here, some people became their own.
This statement captures the genesis of love and the transformation it brings to individuals. "Yahi Sy Hui Thee Ibtida Muhabbat Ki" signifies the starting point of love's journey, while "Yahi Sy Khuch Log Apne Hui Thy" suggests that some individuals found their true selves through this experience.The uniqueness lies in the parallelism between the beginning of love and the self-discovery it facilitates. It highlights the profound impact of love in shaping individuals and their identities.In essence, the quote celebrates the transformative power of love, illustrating how it can lead to self-realization and personal growth.

Sad quote about life

Khuch log Hamare Pass Tasali Dene Ky Liye Nahi Balky Tasali Krne Aty Hain Ky Hum Waqai Takleef mein Hain

کچھ لوگ ہمارے پاس تسلی دینے نہیں بلکہ

تسلی کرنے آتے ہیں کہ ہم واقعی تکلیف میں ہیں


Some people come not to provide comfort but to find reassurance that we are truly in pain.
This statement encapsulates the paradoxical nature of certain relationships. "Khuch log Hamare Pass Tasali Dene Ky Liye Nahi" suggests that some individuals don't offer solace out of genuine concern. Instead, "Balky Tasali Krne Aty Hain Ky Hum Waqai Takleef mein Hain" implies they seek confirmation of our suffering to affirm their perceptions.The uniqueness lies in the nuanced dynamic of such interactions, where empathy may be secondary to validation-seeking behaviors.In essence, the quote reflects on the complexities of human relationships, revealing how some interactions may prioritize personal validation over genuine support.

Sad quote about life

Khuch Tasweron Mein Wazahat Ki Zaroorat Nahi Hoti Waqat Waqat Ki Baat Hoti Hai

کچھ تصویروں میں وضاحت کی ضرورت

نہیں ہوتی وقت وقت کی بات ہے


In some images, clarity isn't necessary; it's the essence of time that speaks volumes.
This statement suggests that certain visual representations don't require explicit explanation. Instead, it's the passage of time that imbues them with significance, allowing their meaning to unfold gradually.The uniqueness lies in the recognition of the temporal dimension inherent in certain images, where their significance deepens with the passage of time and personal experiences.In essence, the quote underscores the enduring power of imagery to convey meaning beyond explicit description, relying instead on the nuances of temporal context and individual interpretation.

Sad quotes about life    
Tarbiyat Achi Hou Tou Insaan Ka Zameer Khud Is ky Kirdar Ki Hifazat Karta Hai

تربیت اچھی ہو تو انسان کا ضمیر خود

اس کے کردار کی حفاظت کرتا ہے


When upbringing is good, a person's conscience naturally safeguards their character.
This statement highlights the profound influence of upbringing on an individual's moral compass. "Tarbiyat Achi Hou Tou" emphasizes the pivotal role of nurturing and education in shaping one's values and behavior. "Insaan Ka Zameer Khud Is ky Kirdar Ki Hifazat Karta Hai" suggests that a person's conscience acts as a guardian, instinctively protecting the integrity of their character when upbringing is sound.The uniqueness lies in the intrinsic connection between upbringing and conscience, implying that a nurturing environment fosters innate moral guidance.In essence, the quote underscores the importance of fostering positive environments that nurture individuals' moral development, allowing their conscience to serve as a steadfast guide in navigating life's complexities.

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